Friday, September 19, 2008

Santa Cruz Trip

Every year we go camping with our friends Steve and Jen. We go different places every year, preferably near water of some sort. This year it was Santa Cruz. It was cool and windy, but super sunny. It was very beautiful and refreshing to get out of the heat of Redding. So, here's some pics of the weekend...


Joel said...

Did I tell you about the last time I was at the beach in Santa Cruz and we had to dodge naked guys to find a spot?

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. We didn't know that you had a blog.

Joseph & Katie

UcheSarah said...

we've had it for a while, kind of wanted to get used to it before we left. Our posts will definitely get more interesting about 6 weeks from now!
Wow, sounds like your trip to Santa Cruz was more exciting than ours. We just had to dodge a group of pot smokers; it's amazing the different kind of people who bond in a pot circle.