This is Uche's area of homeworking. It also doubles as our dining table. On average I think we have read over a couple hundred pages a week, plus papers, interviews, research, presentations... I need to stop now I'm stressing!!
This is my work area the desk. The laptop you see there doubles as our tv/movie center as well. We've got a lending library exchange thingy happening with our next door neighbor. But have I mentioned we've had a lot to do, so no movies lately!
During our health and development class we learned how to take each other's blood pressure. Learning these kind of skills is not the point of our class, but it was a fun activity. In the class we've been focusing on the concept of wellness in a community. So, we're thinking of the whole person and what it means for them to be healthy in all areas of life. Uche and I will be doing a presentation in this class on HIV/AIDS and how it affects relationships and communities and how it impacts the poor.
After taking each other's blood pressure we worked together to create meals that high nutrition, but are affordable for a low income family. Thinking through this process was pretty interesting. What if you only had a couple dollars a day to feed your entire family, how would you spend it so you can get the most nutrition possible? This is a problem that the people we hope to work with have to deal with on a daily basis.
This was taken during our Saturday class, Intercultural Communication. We had different glasses on and we were talking about how our culture determines how we see things. Just like the differences in the lenses of each pair of glasses affected how we saw things in the room. These glasses were crazy. The "lenses" are just plastic lines. It was so hard to see out of, and they would've given me a headache if I had to wear them for any amount of time!
We decided as a class the only possible function for these glasses would be to help you keep your eyes on the line you're reading and not lose your place.