Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Praise the Lord for Burger King

Right now Uche and I are sitting in Burger King. Why am I telling you this?? I just had to share how cool Burger King is here. First, you can get whoppers (or in our case, whopper jr.s). Second, you can get free internet, and it's fast. Third, there's a movie playing on the tv hanging from the ceiling. Fourth, they have a woman who walks around and offeres massages while you sit and eat, surf the web, or watch a movie. Seriously, why wouldn't we be at Burger King?!?!

Mostly we're at Burger King cause I'm suffering from an awful case of heat rash and I'm supposed to not sweat for it to get better. Uh, I live in Manila, sweating is the most popular past time here. So, I can't stay home cause I sweat too much there, plus the internet wasn't working. I wanted to go to the school but the internet is having issues there too. SO, we are in a very cool, well air conditioned place enjoying ourselves. Please pray this heat rash goes away soon, it's not fun, and I can't eat Burger King three meals a day....

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