Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy things

A couple of weeks ago we bought a little electric oven. We went back and forth on the necessity of an oven, but our desire for pot pie and granola won out. Today I made granola again because we gobbled up the first batch. We've loved having the oven and I'm glad we bought it!

One thing I love about Manila is the availibility of American food. There's tons of restaurants from home and the grocery store carries many American products. I'm enjoying this luxury because I know Africa will be much different. Trying to find American products in Nigeria was not easy, and once you did find something it cost an arm and a leg. I once paid over $5 for a generic bottle of syrup. Fortunately I was able to bring back maple flavoring after my visit home and we were able to enjoy homemade syrup for a fraction of the cost. So, as you can see below I had some good food the other day!! I even shared with Uche because that's what a nice wife I am.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I need a good granola recipe!! yours looked yummy! I miss you!!

Amber said...


I stumbled onto your blog from Sherry's. What an adventurous couple you two are, sounds like you are having a a great time. If you ever get the bug to come to Alaska let us know.

Take care,