Friday, February 1, 2013

Now that we're back in Nigeria, it's time to renew the blogging, and now that we have so many new exciting things in our family, we really needed to keep everyone at home updated.  On Wednesday afternoon we went to pick up our daughter, Mercy.  We're praying (please pray too!!) that the adoption will be finalized by the Nigerian court on Monday or Tuesday- sooner the better as far as we're concerned.  It's a bit of a steep learning curve for all involved, so you could also be praying for us.  Now, since I know you're here to see pictures and not listen to me chat...

Getting ready to go home.

Playing with her new doll at home.

Relaxing with Daddy and doll.

Mercy LOVES being outside and if that can't happen, then she'll hang out by the window and look outside.

So obviously, there's lots more we could share right now, but frankyly, we have an almost two year old and we're exhausted!  Time to go to bed.

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